"A" Grade Engineering College
The nation's starting to see a massive growth in start-ups with so many budding entrepreneurs who are still students. Now, quite recently, Government of India launched the Start-up India, Stand India campaign to support start-ups and to provide all basic necessities to them and also making the government norms easy, so that they could only focus on their business development exclusively. So, the Entrepreneurship Development Cell Government Engineering College, Ajmer establishes Start-up cell on the basis of Start-up India Policies on Dec 2017 in GEC Ajmer to add on to this thought, shedding light on the various policies of Start-up India under this cell, conducting the lectures, parting knowledge to the students about the various policies, the pros and cons of the same and how to go about them.
Our vision is to raise the economy of our country using full potential of the innovative minds of the country and to raise the overall quality of life in our country. Startup helps in the development of countries entrepreneurial environment by providing easy and effective interaction of the student body, experienced professionals, successful entrepreneurs, investors, venture capital firms and corporates through events like interactive sessions, competitions and conferences.
The cell is coordinating with outside agencies which will provide support for Entrepreneurship. In association with these agencies and some other, the cell will also provide mentoring sessions for high focused groups on different issues like raising of funds, engagement of people support etc.
Startup cell will lead to creation of an enabling entrepreneurial environment that will attract/induce investments, create employment opportunities, and generate wealth at an incremental and sustainable rate. It is augment and creating a dependable stock of socially responsible entrepreneurs who understand the present day market and seek challenges.
It facilitates capacity building of entrepreneurs rather than enterprises alone. It is culminate into an institution that is entrepreneur-oriented and plays the role of a catalyst for promotion of entrepreneurs. After reaching a level the Startup cell may also support the government in formulating entrepreneur-friendly policies encompassing start up, survival, growth and recovery phases of enterprises, within the overall framework of Entrepreneurship Policy.
Impact on Students: Start up cell can positively impact a learner at all levels in a wide number of contexts. This may explain why there are such a wide variety of entrepreneurship education programs, all of which can provide important outcomes at various stages of a learner's life, as supporters of entrepreneurship education.
1. Will change the attitude towards entrepreneurship as a means of making a living.
2. Will develop the power of ownership: Owner-entrepreneurship education empowers young people to make well-informed decisions about their future, whether they choose to become entrepreneurs or not. We discover that, like every individual, our students already own five powerful assets: time, talent, attitude, energy and unique knowledge of one’s local market. With start-up cell they will learn to use these assets to create businesses and jobs, and build wealth in their communities.
3. Closing the Wealth Gap: High levels of income disparity have led to civil unrest, riots and even revolution. Owner-entrepreneurship education can help solve the youth unemployment crisis, rescue our low-income communities by increasing home ownership and employment, and help close the wealth gap.
4. Opportunity to Develop Planning, Financial Literacy, and Money Management Skills: The ability to set goals and to manage time, money and other resources are important entrepreneurship skills which are useful in any workplace. With the activities run by the start-up cell students will develop learning about financial planning, including knowledge about available work incentives which is critical for budding entrepreneurs.
Name | Designation | Stream/Discipline | Contact | |
Satya Narayan Tazi | Head of Department | Computer Engg | satya.tazi@ecajmer.ac.in | 9460333407 |
Name | Designation | Stream/Discipline | Contact | ||
Co-cordinator | Harish Kumar Sharma | Assistant Professor | Electronics & Communication Engineering | harish.sharma@ecajmer.ac.in | 9460091341 |
Assistant | Sh. Vishal Balani | Lab Assistant | Computer Science Engineering | vishalbalani@ecajmer.ac.in | 9828538106 |
Name | Designation | Stream/Discipline | Contact | |
Abhinav Kumar | Student VIII | Computer Engg | duke.abhi01@gmail.com | 8003099741 |
Anshul Agrawal | Student VIII | Computer Engg | aanshul543@gmail.com | 8952027001 |
Raunak Gehlot | Student VIII | ECE | raunksghlt@gmail.com | 8562868957 |
Prateek Kaushik | Student VI | ECE | prateekkaushik251@gmail.com | 8233231123 |
Rana Ranjeet | Student VI | ECE | ranaranjeet374@gmail.com | 9079379919 |
Divyesh Chippa | Student VI | IT | divyeshchhipa1997@gmail.com | 7734049151 |
Abhay Singh | Student VI | IT | booksonwheel@gmail.com | 8233322885 |
Surrender Sengwa | Student VI | Computer Engg | surendersengwa96@gmail.com | 9928641565 |